Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Yellow-tailed Oriole

I am linking up with Wild Bird Wednesday and Nature Notes

For this week's wild bird I am sharing another Belize lifer.. The Yellow-tailed Oriole..a passerine bird in the New World. It breeds from Mexico to western Peru and northwestern Venezuela.

This Oriole is mainly yellow with a black back..lower face and upper breast..and a yellow rump

This Oriole has been reducing in numbers in its range due to the cage-bird trade..it is valued for its beautiful appearance and song.. I wish there was a way to put a stop to the trade and sale of wild birds. Many wild birds become extinct due to habitat loss and pet trade..

I can see a small section  of the black tail edged in yellow on this shot..This Yellow-tailed Oriole was seen during my birding tour along the Sittee River in Hopkins, Belize..

I hope you enjoyed my Belize bird and lifer.. Thanks for stopping by my post and for all the nice comments.

Join in and post your birdies and to see more beautiful and wonderful bird photos please visit:
 Stewart's Wild Bird Wednesday and Michelle's  Nature Notes.  Thanks to our host Michelle our host Stewart.  Happy Birding and have a wonderful week!


  1. What a beautiful bird - so brightly colored. Thank you for sharing.

  2. Wow - thats a cracking looking bird! Nice pictures.

    Cheers - Stewart M - Melbourne

  3. Fantastic shots of a striking bird.

  4. Muito lindos,adorei! Belo dia! bjs, chica

  5. What a beautiful oriole! I wish we had them here in KY :)

  6. Beautiful bird! Very colorful! Have a nice day , dear Eileen!

  7. gorgeous shots of a beautiful creature. Kudos

  8. Lovely photos of a beautiful bird. I agree that it would be wonderful to stop the trade and sale of wild birds - they are so much more beautiful to see when they are free.

  9. So pretty . . .
    Usually I see and hear the Midwestern Orioles in the springtime. My neighbor mentioned the other day that he us seeing many at his feeders right now. Surprising. We however are seeing daily visits of bright yellow Goldfinches. MANY . . . very territorial, they seem to like "only their kind" at the feeders!

  10. Awesome photos ! They are quite the pretty birds aren't they ? Thanks for sharing , Have a good day !

  11. Absolutely beautiful bird, Eileen. Unfortunately, once a bird is put in a cage in a house, it doesn't last long. So sad.

  12. Hello Eileen!!
    Great shots!!The Yellow-tailed Oriole is a beautiful bird!!Thank you for sharing!Have a happy week!!

  13. Great photos, cool situation with the big grass 💚

  14. oh he picked the perfect place to land for a picture!!

    what a beauty!!!

  15. Get out of town!!! I have never heard of this one before! First off....congrats again. Awesome photos and thanks for educating me once more. That is an awesome bird. How many varieties of Orioles are there??!!!! I love the bird world. Always something new out there just waiting to be discovered.

  16. What a beautiful color this bird displays .
    Nice that you caught him in the photos ~ and thanks for the share !

  17. A gorgeous bird, with such rich, golden colour complemented by the dramatic black. I see that the head is another shade of that gold, which makes it look like it's wearing a hood.:))

    Thanks for sharing and have a wonderful week, Eileen!


  18. What a pretty bird! Thanks for sharing.

  19. Geez-what a GORGEOUS bird. I sure wish that would show up at my feeder--though, boy howdy, would he be lost!
    Have a wonderful day, Eileen

  20. Wow...such an impressive bird!! What a beauty.

  21. What a beautiful colored bird
    Very Nice to see :)

  22. What a gorgeous bird! Congratulations!

  23. It has a very striking combination of color, great shots Eileen!

  24. Your oriole is gorgeous, what beautiful colors!

  25. Such a beautifully coloured bird. Human beings are their own worst enemy-birds should be left to fly free...

  26. What a beautiful bird. Great shots. MB

  27. I love the vibrant colors of Orioles. Wish there were more of them in my area. Your photos are great, I've never seen a yellow-tailed oriole before!

  28. Orioles are on my bucket list. I never got to see one while we lived in Canada let alone further south. You are so blessed being able to go on birding tours. Great shots Eileen.

  29. What a lovely bird! The colors are just awesome!

  30. That is one GORGEOUS bird! I know what you mean about the bird trade. We lose so many. Glad you got this lifer, and that all you took home was its image, as everyone should do!

  31. Yea many birds and animals going extinct. wish there is some way we can halt it

  32. Wow! Such a stunning looking bird, and your photos are fabulous.

  33. What a gorgeous bird, I had never even heard of one before, beautiful share Eileen!

  34. What a pretty bird! it looks a lot like the Hooded oriole I would see in Arizona! funny that it is called "yellow-tailed" when its tail is actually black!

  35. That's a real beauty. Stunning colours.

  36. I do love orioles and don't see them often..This guy has great coloring and tail. Thank you so much for linking into Nature Notes Eileen...Michelle

  37. Very pretty bird, Eileen. You must have a wonderful list of birds you have seen!

  38. A very pretty bird. The yellow colour is lovely.

  39. Wow--what a gorgeous Oriole. I love those colors. WOW!


  40. How sad to cage these beautiful wild birds!

  41. Que lindos pássaros!
    a cor muito bonita!


  42. Eileen, I am so impressed with the birds you saw in Belize. This guy is stunning! And you got so many great poses from him. Wow.

  43. What a beautiful bird! Your photos of it are gorgeous.

  44. It's a beautiful oriole Eileen. I agree with you about the trade in wild birds. It is very shocking in this day and age that people do such things. How much better to see and enjoy birds in their natural state .

  45. Great photos of a beautiful bird!

  46. the Orioles was among my favourites in CostaRica. Love your images.

  47. He's a beauty. That's awful about the wild bird trade; I hate to think it still goes on in this day and age. When will we learn?

  48. Ohhhhhhh .... what a beautiful bird Eileen.
    The beautiful bright yellow color and black are great to see. You've also wonderfully sharp in the picture put him-)

  49. Gorgeous bird! Looking forward to my own trip to Belize soon. I need these lifers!

    Iowa Voice


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Have a happy day, Eileen

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